Saturday, January 15, 2005

Week 2: Challenge

C H A L L E N G E # 2:

Last week, you wrote a dialogue involving conflict. Now, we’re going to flesh it out into a full scene.

Did one or both of your characters get what s/he wanted? Good. Fine. Whether either of them did or not, I’d like you to now introduce the big
(The big WHAT IF is what all good plays hinge on: I’ll elaborate on this in class.)
Introduce an unexpected result of your character(s) either getting or not getting the object or intangible thing they wanted: is there an emotional consequence for one or both of them? WHAT IF the consequence at the end of your dialogue forces an unforeseeable turn of events? Build to conflict; no need to resolve it just yet.

GO OUT ON THE EDGE! LIVE! Let your characters go through hell, whether it’s humorous or tragic! Let your WHAT IF be unpredictable, zany even!


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